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Keyun Ruan, PhD

Dr. Keyun Ruan is an economist with a background in cyber risk. She is the Founder of Happiness Foundation, a multidisciplinary think tank and research foundation focused on how economic and technological models can optimise for human flourishing in the 4th industrial revolution. Read the happiness foundation point of view paper here.

Keyun's current academic focus is cybernomics - a new field in economics dedicated to the study of digital asset valuation and cyber risk measurement, tailored for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Her theories involve novel principles, laws and valuation models for digital assets, the backbone of our economy today. She was the first to academically propose a pair of risk units for measuring cyber risk, hekla and bitmort. The units were first published in the Journal of Computer & Security in 2016, the oldest journal in the field of cyber security. Her second textbook, “Digital Asset Valuation and Cyber Risk Measurement: Principles of Cybernomics”, has been published by Elsevier Economics in May 2019. 

Keyun is also a world-renowned expert in cloud forensics, a cutting-edge branch of cybersecurity, having created the field during her PhD on cybercrime investigation in 2009. She has 15 years of rare expertise on cloud security and risk management, having worked in academia, edited the world’s first academic reference book, trained law enforcement agencies, and contributed to international standards developments widely adopted today. Her work has resulted in significant uplifting of security, incident management and resilience of the global digital infrastructure. She has advised the world’s largest financial services organisations and the fastest growing fintech companies on their cloud security strategies and digital transformation. 

Keyun started coding at the age of 12, she holds a PhD in computer science and a diploma in art and design. She has a passion for trans-disciplinary innovation and design. She is a frequent speaker at industry and academic conferences about her work. She also speaks about inclusive and female leadership.

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Ruan K. (2019) ‘Digital Asset Valuation and Cyber Risk Measurement: Principles of Cybernomics’, Academic Press, Elsevier Economics [order here]


Ruan K. (2013) ‘Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes’ (pp.1-348), IGI Global, December 2012, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2662-1 (Edited Book) [link]


Ruan K. (2016) ‘Introducing cybernomics: A unifying economic framework for measuring cyber risk’, Computer & Security, Elsevier [link][pdf]

Ruan K. (2013) ‘Designing a Forensic-enabling Cloud Ecosystem’, Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes, IGI Global, December 2012, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2662-1 [link][pdf]


Ruan K., Carthy, J. (2013) ‘Cloud Forensics Definitions and Critical Criteria for Cloud Forensic Capability: an Overview of Survey Results’, Digital Investigation, Elsevier, pp34-43 [link][pdf]

NIST Special Publication 500-299 (2013) Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture, NIST Cloud Computing Security Working Group, NIST Cloud Computing Program, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, May 2013 (public review) [link][pdf]

Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Control Matrix v3.0 (contributed on adding forensic control and forensic considerations in a range of other relevant security controls), Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), April 2013  [link]

‘Mapping ISO27037 to Cloud Computing Environments’, Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Forensics Working Group, June 2013

Ruan K., Carthy, J. (2012B) ‘Cloud Forensic Maturity Model’, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime, Springer Lecture Notes, October 25-26, Lafayette, Indiana, USA [link][pdf]

Ruan K., Carthy, J. (2012A) ‘Cloud Computing Reference Architecture and its Forensic Implications: a Preliminary Analysis’, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime, Springer Lecture Notes, October 25-26, Lafayette, Indiana, USA [link][pdf]

Ruan K., Accorsi R. (2012) ‘Challenges of cloud forensics – a survey on the Missing Capabilities’, ERCIM News Special Issue on Cybercrime and Privacy, July 2012

Ruan K., James I.J., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T. (2012) ‘Key Terms for Service Level Agreement to Support Cloud Forensics’, Advances in Digital Forensics VIII, Springer, pp201-212 [link][pdf]

Ruan K., Baggili, I., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T. (2011B) ‘Survey on Cloud Forensics and Critical Criteria for Cloud Forensic Capability: a Preliminary Analysis’, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Richmond, Virginia, USA [pdf]

Ruan K., Baggili, I., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T. (2011B) ‘Survey on Cloud Forensics and Critical Criteria for Cloud Forensic Capability: a Preliminary Analysis’, Journal of Network Forensics

Ruan K., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T., Crosbie, M. (2011A) ‘Cloud Forensics’, Advances in Digital Forensics VII, Springer, pp35-46 [link][pdf]


Schloss Dagstuhl Workshop, 29 Mar - 3 April, 2020


"Digital asset valuation and cyber risk measurement: economic theories for the 4th Industrial Revolution", SINET, Global Cybersecurity Innovation Summit, the British Museum, London, 30 January

"Digital asset valuation and cyber risk measurement: economic theories for the 4th Industrial Revolution", University of Oxford, 12 November 2019

"Cloud security and cyber risk measurement", Web Summit, Lisbon, 4-6 November 2019

"Digital asset valuation and cyber risk measurement: economic theories for the 4th Industrial Revolution", Keynote, ATM & Cyber Security, 8 October 2019, London

"4th Industrial Revolution - Cyber Security: Financial Services", Shaping Horizons, University of Cambridge, 3 September, 2019

"How to benchmark enterprise risk posture", InfoSec Magazine Online Summit, 24-25 September, 2019

Keynote, "A Whistle-stopping tour of Enterprise Top Risks", InfoSec Europe 2019, Olympia, London, 4 June 2019 

Speaker, "Cybernomics: Digital Asset Valuation and Cyber Risk Measurement", Cybersecurity Asia 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5 September 2018

Panelist, "Measuring and minimising the impact of cybercrime on the economy", Cybersecurity Asia 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 September 2018

Speaker, "Cloud Forensics: Challenges and Opportunities", InterForensics2017, Brasilia, Brazil, May 2017 [link]


Speaker, "Cloud Forensics”, Cloud Forensics Workshop, NIST Cloud Computing and Mobility Forum 2014, 24-27 March 2014, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, U.S.A.

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics Research and Future of Digital Infrastructure”, Government Digital Service, 2 December 2013, London, United Kingdom

Speaker, “Digital Forensics and Cybercrime”, 12th Transatlantic Science Week, 12-13 November 2013, Washington DC, U.S.A.

Guest Lecture, “Introduction to Cloud Forensics”, NISLecture, Norwegian Information Security Laboratory, Gjovik University College, 29 August 2013, Gjovik, Norway

Panelist, “Women Who are Creating Positive Change through Technology”, Apple Store, 18 July 2013, Berlin Germany

Instant Lecture, “Big Data, Big Brother, Big Problems?”, Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance, July 5 2013, Berlin, Germany

Speaker, Member of the Program Committee, the DIMACS / BIC / A4Cloud / CSA International Workshop on Trustworthiness, Accountability and Forensics in the Cloud (TAFC) held in conjunction with 7th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, 6-7 June 2013, Malaga, Spain [link]

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics”,  CIRRUS & Cloudscape V “Cloud for Savings, Cloud for Quality”, 28 Feb 2013, the International Auditorium, Brussels, Belgium [link]

Panelist, “Dealing with menace of Cybercrime- social, economic, national and global imperatives”, Annual Information Security Summit 2012, December 11-12, 2012, Mumbai, India [link]

Presenter, Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Forensics WG, RSA Conference Europe, 9-11 October 2012, London, United Kingdom

Speaker, “Cloud Forensic Artifacts”, RSA Conference Europe, 9-11 October 2012, London, United Kingdom

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics: Assessing Cloud Computing’s Impact on Digital Investigation”, the Inaugural Cloud Security Alliance Congress EMEA, 25-26 September 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands [link]

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics and Privacy”, Privacy Workshop, National Library of Wales, 6 September 2012, Wales, United Kingdom

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics”, OWASP InfoSec Conference 2012, 24-25 August 2012, Delhi, India

Speaker, “Finding Optimism on Cyber Security”, Campus Party Europe, 21-26 August 2012, Berlin, Germany [link]

Panelist, “Science Entrepreneurship”, Science Foundation Ireland and Sandbox Event, April, Dublin, Ireland

Speaker, “Digital Investigation and the Future of Cyberspace”, TEDxDublin, 22 November 2011, Dublin, Ireland

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics: an Overview”, Cloud Futures 2011, Microsoft Research Headquarters, 2-3 Jun 2011, Redmond, Washington, USA [workshop] [slides]

Presenter, 6th Annual Conference of the ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 25-27 May 2011, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Presenter, the 7th IFIP 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Jan 30 – February 2 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics: Challenges and Opportunities”, CloudEXPO 2010 Silicon Valley, 1-4 November 2010, Santa Clara, California, USA [slides]

Panelist, “All Science is Provisional”, 10th Performance Theatre, 17-18 September 2010, Venice, Italy

Speaker, “Cloud Forensics: Challenges and Opportunities”, CloudEXPO 2010 Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-22 Jun 2010 [link][slides]

Training and Industry Contribution

Course development, Europol ECTEG Training on Cloud Forensics (available to all member states), October 2015

Lead Expert Trainer, ‘Cloud Security, Forensics and Risk Management’, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training, 25-28 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

Technical Lead, NIST Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group 

Contributor, ETSI Cloud Standard Coordination 

Contributor, NIST Cloud Security 

Contributor, NIST Cloud Computing Program 

Contributor, Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Control Matrix

Co-chair, Cloud Security Alliance Telecom Working Group Cloud Forensics and Incident Management, Jun 2012 – Mar 2013

Contributor, IEEE P2302 InterCloud Working Group 

Contributor, DMTF Cloud Management Initiative

Contributor, ETSI NFV ISG


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